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Writer's pictureSarah

Peach, Basil, and Goat Cheese Appetizer

With summer in full swing here, we are starting to find locally grown summertime fruits at the store. Early peaches have arrived, much to our delight.  I have crafted a very simple, delicious appetizer that combines peaches, fresh basil, and chevre (goat cheese). Yum!

Peach, Goat Cheese, and Basil Appetizer

  1. Slice the peaches and pick some basil leaves.

  2. Place one basil leaf on each cracker. Top with a couple crumbles of goat cheese and a slice of peach.

  3. Alternatively, omit the crackers and make this into a peach, basil, and goat cheese salad instead!

  4. Drizzle with balsamic glaze. Add a small drizzle of honey if the peaches are not very sweet.

  5. Serve and enjoy!

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03 juil. 2019

Hi Stephie,

Welcome, it's nice to *meet* you! So glad to hear you are finding helpful information here on my blog! Homeschooling mama of seven: you've got your plate full for sure, so my #1 piece of advice is DON'T stress too much about your diet!! Sometimes, we can do so much more damage to ourselves by stressing out, so just be willing to go slow and keep a positive mindset about it. Little changes add up over time, and with a newborn baby in the house, it is much better to try to implement changes slowly and steadily. (This coming from me, who tends to jump in feet first and can end up getting burned out. Maybe that i…


03 juil. 2019

I’m not sure how I found your website, but with a newborn baby in the house, I’ve been doing extra reading and online perusing in the wee hours of the night! Anyhow, I am so grateful I stumbled onto your website and am so inspired by your healthy diet and lifestyle! I am a homeschooling mama of now seven children and am very interested in heathy, natural living. I birthed five of my children at home and we try to live healthfully, but our family’s diet stinks! I am learning how to make sauerkraut in a crock I bought for my birthday, and I have a yet-to-be-used sourdough start in the fridge, but our diet is mostly just the SAD—sadly!…

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