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Hi, I'm Sarah. I left my career as a NASA aerospace engineer to become a homeschooling mother of two, natural healthcare practitioner, and real foodie.


I'm author of two ecookbooks, Nourished Cooking and Nourishing Eats. My recipes have been featured in Real Food and Health Magazine and Chris Kresser's Paleo Recipe Generator. I've also authored homeschool unit studies on Ancient History and the United States which incorporate regional recipes.


About my work


I've been blogging since 2011 as a way to share information and resources for living a healthy, nurtured life. Previously, I worked as a NASA aerospace engineer for ten years, but I became a stay-at-home mom at the end of 2009.


My natural healthcare work began in 2012. Through my work in natural health, I am able to help families heal acute and long-term imbalances, leading to healthier, happier lives. 


I am Vice President and Board Secretary for the Raw Milk Institute, which is an international non-profit charity dedicated to educating dairy farmers and consumers about the safe production of raw milk. Previously, I was a Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader for 6 years and served on the board of directors for the Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. 

About homeschooling


I believe that homeschooling should lead to strong family relationships, and that it should bring joy and love to the process of learning together. But it wasn't always this way...


I'm a reformed homeschool pusher. When I started homeschooling in 2011, I believed that the goal was to cram as much knowledge into my children as possible, and the earlier the better. I used an overly rigorous, classical approach to homeschooling that led to stress, burnout, and a damaged relationship with my daughter.


After a couple of years, I finally saw the error of my ways when I learned about Leadership Education. I realized that the real goal in homeschooling is for my children to fall in love with learning, to be able to find their own individual passions in life which they will enthusiastically work to fulfill. 


Now, my homeschooling approach focuses on maintaining close relationships, building good character, nurturing a love of learning, and leading out by pursuing my own education. My children (currently 12yo and 9yo) genuinely love our homeschooling and have benefited immensely from this approach.


About natural healthcare


I finally found natural healthcare after years of trying to achieve long-term health benefits through nutrition and diet modification. Natural healthcare has been truly life-changing for my family. It has healed my children's chronic constipation, weight & appetite issues, fear & anxiety issues, eczema, immune problems, and sleep problems. Natural healthcare healed my own chronic joint pain and pregnancy-induced chronic mood problems. 


The articles I write about natural healthcare are intended to educate and provide simple guidance for using homeopathy effectively. DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor or licensed healthcare professional. I am a natural healthcare practitioner whose services are considered complementary and alternative by the state of New Mexico. The uses of natural healthcare modalities described herein are provided for educational use only.

About real food 


Nutrition is one of the building blocks of good health. The recipes and nutritional information on this site focus on nutrient-dense foods.  These are nourishing, traditional foods, shown by the research of Weston A. Price to lead to wonderful health (virtually no cancer or heart disease) and perfect teeth (no braces needed and virtually no cavities). Price found that the nutrient content of real foods was much greater than in modern, processed foods. My family has been eating a Weston A. Price inspired diet since 2005, and we followed the GAPS Diet (which is a grain-free, starch-free diet) for over 16 months beginning in 2010.

My recipes are based around:

  • plenty of healthy fats, such as butter and coconut oil,

  • humanely-raised meats,

  • organic fruits and vegetables,

  • raw dairy,

  • unrefined sweeteners, such as sucanat, maple syrup, and honey, and

  • properly prepared legumes and grains.  


Some members of my family have grain intolerance issues, so many of my recipes are grain-free.  



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