"What about socialization?" is one of the most frequently asked questions about homeschooling. The stereotype of awkward and isolated homeschoolers is really an urban myth in today's interconnected world. In reality, homeschoolers have many opportunities for socialization.
Check out my short 3-minute video about homeschoolers and socialization below. This video covers:
The socialization myth
How my kids socialize
Benefits of homeschool socialization
Socialization Opportunities for Homeschoolers
The many opportunities for homeschooler socialization include:
Family and extended family
Homeschool groups
Classes and field trips
Community service
Errands, shopping, etc.
Here are some examples from my own family. My kids are now 15yo and 12yo, and some of the ways that my kids get socialization on a regular basis are:
Homeschool park group
Homeschool band class
Field trips with other homeschool families as well as homeschool groups
Classes and summer camps
Extra time with grandma
Doing service for our elderly neighbor most weeks
Friends coming over to our house to play
Errands where my kids talk to cashiers, librarians, customers, etc.
Benefits of Homeschool Socialization
I would actually argue that the socialization that happens with homeschooling is even better than the socialization that happens at school. There are many negative lessons and aspects of socialization at school, including bullying, age-segregation (which only gives kids the chance to interact with kids their own age), age heirarchy (where older kids are "cooler" and "too cool" to play with younger children), and undesirable lessons in pop-culture (such as early sexualization, sassy attitudes, and crass language).
Homeschooling socialization provides great benefits, including:
the opportunity to form strong, loving relationships with their siblings, whereas the school system often creates a divide between siblings
all ages socialization instead of just kids their own age, so kids learn how to interact with kids of all ages as well as adults
developmentally-appropriate exposure (as determined by the parents) to sensitive topics including sexuality, drugs, language, etc
high ratio of parents to kids in social settings such that any bullying or aggression can be quickly handled and rectified
