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Apricot Custard Cake (grain free : gluten free : no refined sweeteners)

It's always exciting to me when the fruits of summer start to appear in roadside stands and markets. Here in southern New Mexico, the first summer fruits to arrive are apricots. I like to stock up on plenty while they're in season and bake some into yummy treats.

This nourishing recipe for Apricot Custard Cake is loaded with eggs and healthy fats, it is grain-free, and is only mildly sweetened with unrefined sucanat. We enjoy custard cake for breakfast, but it can be fancied up with whipped cream for a nice dessert, too.

Apricot Custard Cake

Serves 6-8

Prep Time: 20-25 minutes

Bake Time: 70-75 minutes

Total Time: 90-100 minutes

  1. Butter an 8X8 glass dish, generously.

  2. In a small saucepan, melt 1&1/2 sticks of butter over low heat. Then turn off heat and allow to cool. 

  3. In the meantime, combine the eggs, sucanat, sour cream, cinnamon, ginger, and salt in a medium bowl. Mix it all together with a whisk or mixer. Then mix in the lemon juice.

  4. Mix in the almond flour and coconut flour until well-mixed.

  5. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

  6. Prepare the apricots by chopping them in half, discarding the pits, and slicing the apricots into ~1/2-inch chunks. Place the apricots into the buttered baking dish.

  7. Whisk/mix the melted butter into the custard mixture.

  8. Pour the custard mixture over the apricots, making sure the apricots are nestled down into the liquid as best you can.

  9. Bake at 325° for 70-75 minutes, until custard cake is set in the center and the top is golden.

  10. Allow to cool before slicing. Custard cake is nice when served slightly warm or cold. Enjoy!

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