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These are our favorite math games, books, supplies, and workbooks.
We have personally used and enjoyed everything listed here.
Math Games
Games are to math as books are to reading! Ways to modify many of these games for younger players are listed here.
Addition and Subtraction War - addition, subtraction
Blackjack (21) - addition, numbers up to 21, strategy
Carcassone - addition, skip counting, puzzle skills, strategy
Cribbage - addition, multiplication, numbers up to 121
Cuisenaire Rod Games - addition, awareness of what numbers actually mean through hands-on experience
Milles Borne - addition, numbers up to 1,000
Monopoly - addition, subtraction, how to make change, large numbers, financial concepts (such as mortgage, bankruptcy, etc)
Parcheesi - numbers, addition, memory for special rules, sportsmanship
Poker - strategy, analytical thinking, risk vs. reward (if played with poker chips),
Settlers of Catan - addition, strategy, risk management
Settlers of Catan Dice Game - addition, strategy
Sorry - numbers, memory for special rules, sportsmanship
Sum Swamp - addition, subtraction, understanding of math problems and symbols, odd and even
Uno - numbers, colors, addition and subtraction (if playing add-and-subtract variant)
Yahtzee - addition, multiplication, strategy, and writing
Math Chapter Books
These are listed roughly in order by age appropriateness, from early elementary to adult.
Elementary Grades
Life of Fred Elementary Set #1: Apples, Butterflies, Cats, and Dogs by Stanley Schmidt
Bedtime Math (Volume 1 only, as the subsequent ones were not as enjoyable for us) by Laura Overdeck
Life of Fred Elementary Set #2: Edgewood, Farming, Goldfish, and Honey by Stanley Schmidt
Math and Magic in Wonderland by Lilac Mohr
Mathematicians Are People, Too: Stories From the Lives of Great Mathematicians (Volumes 1 and 2) by Luetta and Wilbert Riemer
Life of Fred Intermediate Series: Kidneys, Liver, and Mineshaft by Stanley Schmidt
Middle Grades
Archimedes and the Door of Science by Jeanne Bendick
The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way by Joy Hakim
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
Life of Fred: Fractions by Stanley Schmidt
Life of Fred: Decimals and Percents by Stanley Schmidt
High School and Parents/Educators
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin Abbott
On Numbers by Isaac Asimov
The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason
Math Picture Books
Anno's Magic Seeds by Mitsumasa Anno
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar by Mitsumasa Anno
Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci by Joseph D'Agnese
One Grain of Rice by Demi
Pythagoras and the Ratios by Julie Ellis
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras? by Julie Ellis
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordecai Gerstein
The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos by Deborah Heiligman
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth by Kathryn Lasky
Pyramid by David Macauley
The Brooklyn Bridge by Elizabeth Mann
The Hoover Dam by Elizabeth Mann
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens by Cindy Neuschwander
Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander
Sir Cumference and the First Round Table by Cindy Neuschwander
Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland by Cindy Neuschwander
Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter by Cindy Neuschwander
Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone by Cindy Neuschwander
To Fly: The Story of the Wright Brothers by Wendie Old
How Much is a Million by David Schwartz
Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Suess
Math for All Seasons: Mind-Stretching Math Riddles by Greg Tang
My Brothers' Flying Machine: Wilbur, Orville, and Me by Jane Yolen
Math Supplies
General math supplies that encourage math exploration at home. ​
Cuisenaire rods - our favorite math manipulatives
Ruler, measuring tape, and tape measure
Graph paper
Geometrical compass
Scientific calculator
Stop watch
Desk cycle - the display shows speed and distance, which my kids find fascinating to experiment with
Measuring cups and spoons
Outdoor thermometer
Artist tape and Sharpies - for creating number lines on walls and tables (artist tape is better than painter's tape for being able to stay in place for months, yet not damage paint once removed)
Pattern blocks and boards
Math Workbooks
These are the math workbooks that my kids have enjoyed the most. NOTE: I do NOT force or require my kids to use their workbooks; the workbooks are just on-hand for free exploration of math.
K​umon Workbooks (the pre-k and early elementary books are fantastic; the later books were NOT preferred by my children)
My Book of Numbers 1-30
My First Book of Money: Counting Coins
My Book of Number Games 1-70
My Book of Easy Telling Time
My Book of Money: Dollars and Cents
The Greatest Dot-to-Dot Book in the World - Books 1-4
Cliffs Study Solver Basic Math and Pre-Algebra
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